What a pleasure it was to speak to Michelle from Remnant Beauty. Please take some time and listen to how Michele describes how her product started and all of the ingredients that are involved in creating a sustainable product that not only is good for your skin but good for every other part of your body as well, as it is free of any chemicals, parabens in numbers and nasties.
It’s a great choice of skincare when you are experiencing sensitive skin and may even have eczema or psoriasis or any dermatological issues. All the products also come essential oil free which means without any flavour so you can get them as plain as possible.
The great thing about using tallow and lard is that they come with all the natural vitamins already intact, and nothing else needs to be added. In a day and age, where we are becoming more and more deficient in our fat soluble vitamins, A D, E in K using tallow and lard and duck Fat on the skin seems to be solving a few issues all at once.
If you’re like me and use very little on the skin, I can’t recommend enough Remnant Beauty’s full range for a chemical free life give it a go.
I promise you you won’t regret it. Use code 20OFF for 20% off any product or products on the website.