The human body is an amazing and resilient system. The food we eat, the way we move and the way we choose to live our lives can all help to keep it in balance and improve our health.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and Author of The Best Possible You, Hannah Richards shows you how to listen to your body, take your health into your own hands, and build a relationship with every part of yourself.
No one knows how to eat when all the people who have a voice are destroying the relationship we have with food. Health bloggers and vegan advocates have just swapped one addiction of overeating for another of neurotic eating, they just don’t know it, and TV documentaries often miss the opportunity to educate the public about healthy eating. We shame the fat, we praise the thin, but ultimately neither group is getting the information they need. We need a different approach, we need to get back to embracing our bodies and the natural way in which they work.
Nutrition should not be complicated, which is why at the heart of Hannah’s advice there are a few simple tips: keep it simple, eat organic, eat seasonal and make your meals from scratch with your own hands.
Nourishing your body needs to be a high priority, so start re-evaluating what is important and focus on these things to create a life that you want, because if you do, you can have everything you dream of! Don’t see eating well as cutting out what you love; it’s about supporting your current lifestyle with appropriate measures to improve your current state of health, either physically, chemically or emotionally.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach
You can’t heal in the same environment you got sick in.
Hannah trained with some of the most influential practitioners in health and wellbeing, Paul Chek of CHEK Institute (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology), Emma Lane, Reed Davis, Bill Wolcott, Dr Omar Amin (Parasitologist) Cheri Dixon, Tommo Littlewood, to name a few. Hannah is a certified Metabolic Typing Advisor and Functional Diagnostic Nutritional Coach and Certified and registered Nutritionist from CNM.
Her main focus is improving the metabolism and physiology for optimal Gastro Intestinal Health and bodyweight.
Hannah has been in the Nutritional field for 10 years and for 5 years co-ran Move Three Sixty, a fully functional Gym and Holistic Health Clinic in Hampstead. Hannah founded The Gut Clinic in 2016 which is now an online clinic, moving with the times. Hannah consults on product development and guest blogs with Companies and Partners. Hannah also privately consults within companies and private homes, and hosts Gut Retreats and one day retreats. She is the regular Nutrition expert of a Sky TV show – The Chrissy B Show, as well as cooking easy to follow recipes for the show.
Book your 15 minute complimentary consultation with Hannah and discover how to take your health into your own hands.