Restore Your Metabolism in 12 Weeks
Online Group Programme
Get your health to where it is designed to be with a group of like minded individuals all looking to improve not only nutritional health but mental and emotional health too.
Restore Your Metabolism in 12 Weeks
A group provides a level of support and knowledge that you can’t get by yourself. You immediately have friends and allies in the pursuit of overcoming what you have previously struggled with.
Is it for me?
If you have typically searched for a quick fix or a short course before and initially seen results only to very quickly be back at the start again then YES this course is for you.
The aim is to look at the behaviours that shape and form you as a person. Often we spend so much time complaining that we should be better, faster, happier, slimmer, stronger, richer etc but little time appreciating all the wonderful things we do have. When you focus on not being able to get to your goals such as lose weight or have blissful digestion, not be constipated you can almost guarantee that that is where you will stay. 8 weeks with Hannah takes you on a journey, it highlights your dark side where you hide and optimises the light and the brightness that you need to get the results and be happy living in the skin that you have. There is no quick fix here, just honest advice to get your physiology back to a place where it word for you and not against you. Then you have become the very best version of yourself.
This course is for you if you are suffering from:
- Low energy and extreme fatigue
- Insomnia or frequency of waking, inability to get back to sleep difficulty digesting foods (bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea)
- Addiction and cravings
Acid reflux and constipation - Anxiety, depression and other mood disorders
- Overwhelmed and stressed out
- Thyroid issues (hypo, hyper, goitre, nodules, removal, hashis)
- Low exercise intolerance
- Cognitive issues (learning, memory)
What you will get and feel at the end of the 12 weeks:
- Discover the foods that restore your metabolism, give you energy and balance your weight
- Have a better relationship with everyone and everything in your life
- Understand the value or breathing and being quiet and how that calms your nervous system and mind
- Understand what your purpose is in life and how to go about achieving and creating what you want
- Have more confidence to put yourself first and do things that serve you
- Wake up every day with a spring in your step and excited about what the day holds
It includes:
- Initial consultation over Zoom and form intake
- Meal and Snack Ideas and Recipes
- Live cooking
- Live Video Tutorials, Handouts and Presentations
Private group in Facebook for messaging, support and information
- What'sApp group and personal support
- Copy of The Best Possible You
- Exercise and Meditation Programs
- Weekly Zoom Calls: Nutritional content and Q&A
- Personalised food/mood bowel diary analysis
- Private membership platform
The Courses:
Restore Your Metabolism in 12 Weeks
Find your perfect weight, balance your hormones, your Gut health and improve your work-life balance
What to expect:
- Restore Your Metabolism in 12 Weeks
Week 1
Understanding your physiology: get to grips with how your metabolism works and how energy is used around the body.
Week 2
Shutting out the noise: Week 2 allows you to be guided out of the chaos and into a calmer place where you can see your dreams. Shutting out the noise is essential for clarity and wellbeing.
Week 3
The digestive system and how to turn yours back on!
Week 4
The food and hormones: Learn how the food you eat builds your hormones and why food can be just as powerful as supplements.
Week 5
Look at vitamins and minerals and supplements, how to take supplements and which ones are the best.
Week 6
Natural foods: Where to buy and source real foods. Who to support and why soil matters the most.
Week 7
Let’s cook, Here we will all cook together online this will be a 90 min session.
Week 8
Breathwork circle and movement: Learn the fundamentals of breathwork and how to create a parasympathetic nervous system for reducing stress and anxiety.
Future Course Dates:
- Restore Your Metabolism in 12 Weeks Coming Monday 8th January 2024 (Join a 12.30pm lunchtime or 5pm evening group)
Book your 15 minute complimentary consultation to see if this is the programme for you.
*4 in each group max
**Join a lunchtime or evening group
Invest in YOU!
Sign up to receive my Top 10 Digestive Health Tips
These tips have been designed to look at your nutritional, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body.
We can all follow guidelines or a plan or a protocol for an indefinite amount of time, but we do not want to be following one for life. My aim is for you to be able to listen to your body and be able to read what it is saying. It is your persona blueprint. I am just here to guide, educate and support your healing journey.
What people are saying about this programme...
“Yesterday I had a great day but today did not go to plan. I was unwell again and did all my bad habits. Salt/sugar…. it was not going well.
Then I had a light bulb moment Hannah!
I thought, this is the first time that I have someone on my side, someone guiding me and the other ladies in our group. So I rested for an hour then went on my mini trampoline and walked for 1 1/2 hours. Just slowly. 6k steps later I feel so much better. Mentally and physically. The mornings are always hard for me to get going and get my adrenaline meditations working but for the first time ever! I took control and managed to beat it. That’s all thanks to your help Hannah.”
“Thank you so much for this morning. I learned a lot and I’m going to work on it everyday from now on.
Thanks so much. It’s broadened my horizons and feel so positive gaining such fantastic advice and guidance from you Hannah.“
“My husband has lost 10 lbs since 4th January following YOUR PLAN and guidelines along with me. Incredible Hannah. He didn’t really need to but feels so much better and I’m sure his blood pressure and cholesterol are feeling the benefit too”
“It’s hard to explain but filling out that graph last night was so cathartic! SO helpful and I actually cried a few tears filling it out Then I felt lifted and my husband said he totally noticed that I was so positive and upbeat. I slept so well and only got up twice for the toilet. This morning the graph is still on my mind and I can see myself in the future keeping going with your plan and actions. Thank you thank you thank you.”
“I measured myself this morning – I’ve lost 5 1/2 inches from my waist and 4 inches from my chest ✨✨ I’m thrilled! Lots still too go but I’m on the right track thanks to you Hannah”