Well, what a fantastic Wyrd Wednesday interview that was with Dean Griffiths of @myupgradedmind.
There are lots of mindsets we get stuck in:
Right versus wrong.
Victim versus accountable
Comparison versus your own standard.
Yes, versus no
Reactive versus proactive.
Faithful versus fearless.
Some takeaway points from Dean
😇Be honest with yourself, this is about being truly honest with who you are what you do and what you believe. When you’re honest with yourself, you can start to make the changes that are appropriate and true.
😇What do you think you become.
This is about what we think on a daily basis, and who we spend most of our time with our thoughts can often become our actions.
😇Take full ownership, this is about taking full ownership of yourself and your situation. Only then can you start making positive changes that are appropriate to you.
I then asked Dean what two things he would take away on his health, eco-commune, and he said number one, kombucha, and number two because we all need balance in our life, cheesecake.
If you want to take Dean up on some coaching sessions and upgrade your life, find out who you are and what you truly want, then you can reach out to him at www.instagram.com/myupgradedmind